Here are some tips the packing pros use:
Use your dresser drawers. You don't have to take everything out of them when you move. Lightweight items such as clothing and linens can stay. In fact, it is smart to put a clean set of sheets, towels, and PJ's in each dresser so that you'll know right where they are when you move into your new place.
- Pack books and other heavy things in smaller boxes. Separate books by size so that you can pick and choose the right size and shape to fill each box snuggly.
- Pack like with like. Items of similar size, shape and weight travel well together. Lampshades often fit one into the other, saving space and offering each other protection. Lightbulbs can be wrapped carefully with extra paper...and put into a box marked "extra fragile."
- When you can, tape a small item to a larger item so it won't get lost. The tv remote can be taped to the TV, or the lamp finial taped to the lamp. If you cannot tape the small item to anything, wrap it with bright tissue paper so it can be found easily in a box filled with different things.
- Have some OLD sheets? Use old fitted sheets to protect a mattress... put two on one
mattress, one on the front and one on the back. You can also wrap furniture with old sheets...use packing tape to keep it secure around the item. They are easy to wash, or just toss out, when you get to your new place.
- Most packed boxes will need "filler" material to keep items from moving around. Use clothing that doesn't fit into suitcases or boxes. Also use blankets, towels, stuffed animals and pillows.
- Labeling can be your best friend or worse nightmare. Boxes should be numbered AND labeled. Most expert packers suggest that you identify the contents of the box and its ulitmate destination on the top and on one side. Some people use a color coded system by room or floor. For extra security of the whereabouts of an item, also put on the box the room those items came from in the old house...since it could have come from the exercise room and the new house doesn't have an exercise room.
- The more you can BOX the better. It's easier to pack similar shapes together in
a truck than it is to work with unusual shapes. So the floor lamps, garden tools, and golf clubs can each go into a wardrobe box. Put the pots from your patio into the same box that is used for table lamps. This will make the job of loading the truck much easier. As you pack, make sure nothing in any box will shift, or is poking out the top or sides.
- Reserve a box for those items that you know you'll need the minute you arrive. A flashlight, things you eat/drink every day, tools you'll need for assembly, the telephone, paper products, etc. Label accordingly and make sure it's last on the truck.